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ICF Blocks

We partner with Stronghold ICF. They provide a full spectrum of ICF products in a range of shapes, sizes and styles of ICF blocks.

We meet the needs and wants of our customers because we have been in the ICF trenches.

Window Buck

Gorilla Buck offerings provide enhanced insulation for window and door openings commonly employed in ICF construction. Our Gorilla Buck products boast robustness and facilitate quick, straightforward installation.

Crafted from high-density expanded polystyrene (EPS) and 100% recycled plastics, these insulated bucks effectively prevent air and water infiltration through a secure friction fit.

ICF Screws

The screw incorporates a design with a detached washer and is offered in both 2-inch and 3-inch variants. Each screw undergoes hardening and galvanization to enhance its strength. Featuring a coarse thread, it effectively complements the plastic web of an ICF block.

Foam Adhesive

Foam2Foam, a single-component polyurethane foam adhesive, is specifically formulated for filling, sealing, slivering, and insulating joints and cracks. It proves ideal for contractors engaged in projects involving Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF), Structural Insulated Panels (SIP), Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS), and stone veneer applications. The adhesive rapidly cures by absorbing water vapor from the air.

Foam Gun

The flow-control mechanism of this dispensing tool releases foam beads ranging from 1/8” to 3”. Crafted from lightweight yet durable aluminum, it features a sturdy metal trigger. Compatible with all GREAT STUFF PRO™ cans, this dispensing gun is designed for precision application, offering a no-drip solution for foam spray.

ICF Wall to Truss Connector

Tailored for U.S. conditions and contemporary ICF concrete building techniques, the ICF Hurricane Anchor ensures safer, more efficient, and higher load rafter/truss anchor connections, resulting in substantial cost savings throughout the entire house construction process. When applied across numerous projects, the advantages of utilizing Burmon Hurricane Anchors are both convincing and compelling.

ICF Floor Joist / Floor Truss Hanger

Information coming soon

ICF Ledger Bracket

We use the ICFVL Ledger Connector System—meticulously designed to surmount the complexities of affixing wood or steel ledgers to insulated concrete form (ICF) walls, accommodating thicknesses of up to 4 1/2" while strictly adhering to designer specifications.


Specifically designed for basement applications, Form-A-Drain Plus comprises lineal sections that serve as foundation footing forms. Unlike conventional wood forms, the Form-A-Drain Plus lineals remain in place permanently following the concrete pour.

FastFoot Foundations

Crafted from high-density polyethylene fabric, Fastfoot® serves as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional lumber and plywood for concrete footing forms. A single 100-foot roll of Fastfoot® produces the equivalent concrete output as 1,500 pounds of lumber.

Soprema Colphene

This waterproofing solution is specifically designed for both vertical and horizontal applications in waterproofing polystyrene (whether expanded or extruded) insulating concrete forms. Its underside features a release film and a self-adhesive bitumen layer, ensuring secure adherence to approved substrates.

Platon Waterproofing

Featuring a distinctive double-dimpled design, Platon effectively separates water from the foundation wall and bridges foundation cracks permanently, thwarting the infiltration of moisture into the home's basement. Compatible with various foundation types, including block, poured concrete walls, and insulated concrete forms, Platon boasts a robust high-density polyethylene [HDPE] membrane.

Radiant Tubing

The RAZ Panel, along with radiant heat in general, brings a multitude of satisfying benefits and improvements for homeowners and business proprietors alike. Factors such as safety, environmental friendliness, cost savings, and durability are pivotal considerations when undertaking construction or remodeling projects for homes or businesses.


Characterized by its lightweight design, versatility, and superior sound retention capabilities, LiteDeck stands as an exceptional choice. It serves as the solid concrete alternative for traditional floor and deck applications in residential homes, commercial buildings, and safety structures. The outcome? A tranquil and secure concrete structure that prioritizes sustainability and energy efficiency.

EPS Sheet Foam

EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) insulation is a closed-cell, lightweight, and resilient rigid insulation widely employed in construction insulation and industrial applications.

EPS Geo Foam

EPS Geofoam, characterized by its lightweight cellular plastic foam structure, finds diverse applications in geotechnical projects. Its primary function as a lightweight fill for construction on soft ground is complemented by its unique ability to enhance stability in slopes and alleviate lateral stress on structures.

Filomen, LLC ICF Products

Filomen LLC, established in 2019, is a leading construction materials provider in partnership with Stronghold ICF. Specializing in insulated concrete forms, Filomen delivers innovative solutions for sustainable and energy-efficient building projects, ensuring durability and environmental consciousness in every construction endeavor.

Filomen, LLC ICF Products

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9456 N. McGuire Rd, Suite 100
Post Falls, Idaho 83854

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